2-Month-Old Baby Feeding Guide

There’s no stopping your 2-month-old baby! They’ve been growing fast, and they’re likely in bigger diapers and clothes by now. Managing your 2-month-old baby feeding routine is more important than ever.

Read our 2-month-old baby feeding guide to help you through this eventful phase of your little one’s life. It’s packed with schedules, tips, and answers to common challenges to aid you as your baby grows.

Understanding 2-Month-Old Baby Feeding

Get help to understand your 2-month-old baby’s feeding requirements and find answers to common concerns.

Nutritional Needs of a 2-Month-Old Baby

At this stage, your baby is awake more during the day and has a steady appetite. You’ll probably be feeding them every few hours through the day and night.

mom breastfeeding baby in bedroom

Whether you choose breastfeeding or bottle-feeding, know that you’re doing a great job. Both types of milk offer your 2-month-old baby the nutrition they need. Be aware that if you’re exclusively breastfeeding, you will need to give your baby a vitamin D supplement.

Common Feeding Challenges for a 2-Month-Old Baby

Your baby is still very young, and their feeding routine may not be established yet. These are some of the challenges you may encounter:

  • Feeding amounts: Your 2-month-old baby feeding amount may vary — this is normal. You’ll know if your baby is getting enough milk if they continue to put on weight and hit their milestones.
  • Feeding frequency: At 2 months, your baby may be going for longer between feeds. But they will still need regular feeding sessions, most likely every 3 to 4 hours and a couple of feeds at night.
  • Feeding difficulties: Some babies may still suffer from excess gas. If you’re breastfeeding, keep a food diary to identify patterns in your food and how your baby reacts. If you’re bottle-feeding, try switching to a different brand of formula.

2-Month-Old Baby Feeding Schedules and Patterns

Learn about 2-month-old baby feeding schedules and how to adjust them.

 mom breastfeeding baby on a C-Shaped pillow

Typical 2-Month-Old Baby Feeding Schedule

Your 2-month-old baby will need 4 to 5 ounces (around 115 to 140 ml) of milk every 3 to 4 hours. They may even be able to go for a little longer between feeds at this stage.

By now, your baby can make a range of sounds. You may recognize the noises they make toward feeding time. Other hunger cues include:

  • Looking for the breast or bottle;
  • Sucking their hands;
  • Clenching their hands.

Adjusting Your 2-Month-Old Baby’s Feeding Schedule

At 2 months, your baby is developing quickly. You may need to adjust their feeding schedule as they grow.

Sometimes it may feel like your baby is constantly feeding. This is normal for a 2-month-old baby. Feed them whenever you recognize their hunger cues.

Your baby may also lose interest in feeding at this stage. They might be overstimulated by their environment. Try feeding them as soon as they wake up rather than at the end of a play session.

Your 2-month-old baby will still be feeding during the night, but maybe not as frequently. Set up a comfortable space where you can relax during night feeds.

Transitioning from Breastfeeding to Bottle-Feeding

This age is a good time to start transitioning your baby from breastfeeding to bottle-feeding, particularly if you are planning to return to work.

dad bottle feeding baby

Transitioning to Bottle-Feeding

Follow these tips to introduce a bottle to your baby:

  • Choose a rounded silicone bottle that resembles a breast.
  • Go for a slow-flow nipple that mimics breastfeeding.
  • Warm the formula to body temperature before offering it to your baby.
  • Replace one breastfeed with a bottle-feed per day to start with.
  • Increase the number of bottle-feeds once your baby is happy.

Here’s how to prepare for returning to work:

  • Let other family members, and preferably the person who will be caring for your baby, bottle-feed them.
  • If you’re planning to still breastfeed your baby, completely or partially, discuss arrangements for expressing and storing milk with your employer.
  • Invest in a breast pump and accessories and start expressing milk a few weeks before your return to work. Building up a freezer stash is always a good idea; to ensure freshness, look to our Milkfresh sensors to help you manage your breast milk.

Tips for Breastfeeding and Bottle-Feeding Your 2-Month-Old

Read our tips to help you with breastfeeding or bottle-feeding your baby.

Tips for Successful Breastfeeding

Ensure proper latching and positioning by doing these:

  • Sit comfortably with your back supported.
  • Support your baby to sit upright on your lap.
  • Help them to latch on by introducing the nipple to their mouth.
  • You will know they have got a good latch if they also take in some of the areola (the colored area around the nipple).

Here’s how you can make sure your baby is getting enough milk:

  • Ensure they have latched on properly.
  • Feed them on demand if they are hungry.
  • Alternate breasts at each feed.

Tips for Successful Bottle-Feeding

  • Choose a formula suitable for your 2-month-old.
  • Use a faster-flow nipple.
  • If your baby is gassy or colicky, try an anti-colic bottle.
  • Sit comfortably with your back supported while feeding.
  • Ensure your baby is in an upright or semi-upright position.
  • Angle the nipple of the bottle toward the roof of your baby’s mouth.
  • Make sure the nipple fills fully with milk.
  • Hold the bottle horizontally.

Tracking Your 2-Month-Old Baby Feeding

Track your 2-month-old baby’s feeding amounts and times to understand their changing needs.

Keeping a Feeding Log

One of the easiest ways to keep a log is to use an app on your phone. You can also write down dates, times, and amounts in a notebook. If you’re breastfeeding, record how long your baby spends feeding.

Tools to Help You with Feeding

These tools make feeding easy:

Establishing the Best Feeding Routine

Understanding your baby’s changing needs at 2 months helps you establish the best feeding routine to help them thrive.

Be sure to follow our tips to make feeding time a pleasure for both you and your baby.



What’s a 2-month-old baby feeding schedule?

Your 2-month-old baby needs around 4 to 5 ounces (around 115 to 140 ml) of milk every 3 to 4 hours.

What’s a good 2-month-old baby feeding and sleeping schedule?

At 2 months, you can try waking your baby and putting them to bed at the same time each day. They will need to feed every 3 to 4 hours and take up to 4 naps during the day.

What are the signs my 2-month-old is feeding well?

They will continue to put on weight, appear content after a feed, and produce several wet and dirty diapers a day.
